How to check Armstrong Number ? A program to check Armstrong Number in C++

Armstrong Number : 

          If we consider a 3 digit number, if the sum of cubes of each digit is equal to a number itself then it will be called as an Armstrong Number.

Program to check Armstrong Number 

Logic :

  • Input Number.
  • Make function to check Armstrong number.
  • Find cube and keep on adding the numbers.
  • Lastly check whether the sum and original is same or not.
  • If same print Armstrong else print Not Armstrong.

Code :

using namespace std;

int armstrong(int x)
    int temp,y=0,a=0;
        return 1;
    return 0;

int main()
    int n;
        cout<<"not armstrong";
    return 0;


Note : The above program is applicable for 3 digit numbers only.

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