Conditional Statements in C++ | If-else in C++ | Nested if in C++ | If else ladder in C++

Conditional Statements in C++

        When you start programming there may occur some situation based on the situation you have to perform certain activities for example we consider the result of a student. There are cut off marks if the student score above cut off then he passes otherwise fails the exam. This can be achieved using the ternary operator but there some conditions or problems where the use of the ternary operator will complicate things. Therefore we will study the if-else condition statements.

If Statement :








Statement n;


        As the name suggests if condition is used to execute a particular block of statement only if a certain condition is satisfied. Let's understand it with a code

A program to understand the if statement


using namespace std;

int main()


    int a,b;                //variable declaration


    cin>>a>>b;              //scanning input from user


    if(a>b)                 //if condition


        cout<<a;            //printing output

        return 0;           //sending 0 to the compiler to end the program


    cout<<"wrong input";    //printing output

        return 0;           //sending 0 to the compiler to end the program


Inputs: a=9 b=10

Output: wrong input

Input: a=10 b= 9

Output: 10

        In the above program the if condition will check whether a is greater than b if it is yes so if block will be executed.

Previous Posts : 

If – Else:








Statement n;








Statement n;


        You have learned the if block earlier. In the if-else condition the if block is executed if the condition is satisfied but if the condition is not satisfied then the else block is executed. It is used when you want the compiler to do something if the condition is fulfilled else execute the other block. Let's understand it by finding a number is even or odd.

A program to understand the if-else statement 


using namespace std;

int main()


    int a;                //variable declaration


    cin>>a;              //scanning input from user


    if(a%2==0)                 //check weather the number is divisible by 2


        cout<<"even";            //since the number is divisible by 2 it is even number




        cout<<"odd";        // as the number is not divisible by 2 it is odd


    return 0;           


Input: 9

Output: odd

Input: 8

Output: even

Else if (Ladder):








Statement n;


else if(condition)






Statement n;


else if(condition)






Statement n;








Statement n;


        Now sometimes you have to check multiple conditions at that time you use ladder if condition or if-else if-else condition. Let us see the code to find whether a number is greater than or equal to or less than 5 for better understanding.

A program to understand the if-else if-else statement 


using namespace std;

int main()


    int a;                //variable declaration


    cin>>a;              //scanning input from user


    if(a>5)                 //check whether the number is Greater than 5




    else if(a<5)         //check weather the number is less than 5 






        cout<<"equal";      // since it is not less than or Greater than 5 it must be equal to 5


    return 0;           


Input: 5

Output: equal

Input: 7

Output: greater

Input: 3

Output: less

Next Post: 

Nested if:


{ if(condition)






Statement n;









Statement n;


        Sometimes in the program, you have to check a condition only if the previous condition is satisfied at that time we use nested if condition. It means using if condition inside another if condition.

A program to understand the nested if statement 

        In this program, we will find whether a year is a leap year or not. A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4 or if the year comes in centuries like 2000 or 1900 then it should be divisible by 400 


using namespace std;

int main()


    int year;                //variable declaration


    cin>>year;              //scanning input from user


    if(year%100==0)                 //check weather the year is divisible by 100


        if(year%400==0)     // as the year is divisible by 100 it is a century year so check whether the year is divisible by 400


            cout<<"leap year";      // as the year is divisible by 400 it is a leap year




            cout<<"not a leap year";    // as the year is not divisible by 400 it is not a leap year



    else if(year%4==0)      // as the year is not divisible by 100 it is not a century year so check whether the year is divisible by 4


        cout<<"leap year";              // as the year is divisible by 4 it is a leap year




        cout<<"not a leap year";    // as the above condition is not satisfied the year is not a leap year


    return 0;           


Input: 1999

Output: not a leap year

Input: 2000 

Output: leap year

Input: 2024

Output: leap year

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