Top 10 frequently asked unique Accenture interview questions

Top 10 frequently asked unique Accenture interview questions

        Which questions are most likely to be asked in Accenture interviews? How do I prepare for them? How can I give all the answers perfectly? How do I prepare all the questions in advance for my Accenture interview? If you are worried about your Accenture interview and have all these or similar questions you have landed in the perfect place.

        I have researched and gone through 50+ interview experiences and talked to many of them personally to get advanced tips and questions. I have summed up all those tips and questions in this article Top 10 frequently asked unique Accenture interview questions.

        So let's get started with the questions I have divided all the questions into 3 parts Technical, Human resources, and project-based questions. Do not forget to read all the takeaways from this post.

Technical interview questions

Let's see which technical questions are asked in Accenture

1) Introduce Yourself

        This is the tone-setter question in an interview. Thus it should be answered neatly. According to many interviewers if you do not have a proper introduction, 9/10 times you will be rejected in an interview.

        Your introductions should not exceed more than 100 seconds. Keep it concise. You should/can mention the below points in your introduction

  • Name
  • City
  • Family(in short)
  • Education
  • Hobbies
  • Skills/achievements + proofs to support not mandatory 

 Close the introduction with a line specifying How you will benefit the organization as an individual 

Which points you can further mention in your introduction comment down below!

2) Do you know about any latest technologies? 

        First of all, you are a fresher. Hence any interviewer does not expect deep knowledge of the latest technologies from you. If you can tell the definition or at least basic meaning and use of any latest technology it is more than sufficient. 

        Latest technologies like ML, AI, IoT, and CLOUD are in huge demand. You should know at least the basics of these technologies and one or two examples. This will leave a good impact on the interviewer. 

3) What you have learned from your branch? What are your favorite subjects? 

        This question is mandatorily asked to non-CS-IT students. To answer this question it is advised to prepare at least any 2 subjects from your branch thoroughly. 

Project-Based Questions 

4) Tell me about your project 

        Always study your project properly before appearing for an interview. Always mention at least one project in your resume. 

        The project algorithm commonly asked questions on that project, the technology used and other basics should be studied. 

Other questions asked on the project

  •  What was your role in the project
  •  How did you assign the project to team members( asked to team leaders)
  •  What challenges you faced while working on this project
  •  You have done more than one project which one was more challenging
  •  How did you overcome the difficulties faced in the project
  •  Did you seek help outside the project team? Why?

Human resources interview questions

1) Introduce Yourself

         If your TR and HR are taken separately the HR will also ask for your introduction. You can refer to the same answer mentioned earlier. 

2) Why Accenture?

        Praise the company as much as you can but do not cross the limits. Always research and study the company before appearing for the interview. 

 You can use the below points

  •  Company presence
  •  Employee base
  •  Current projects
  •  Current Technologies the company using or working on
  •  Reviews

3) What are your hobbies?

        Do not fake! Yes, never fake hobbies in an interview. The most common hobby told by everyone in any interview is Reading. What If the interviewer asks to tell me about your favorite writer or any related question you will mess up hence avoid faking hobbies.

        Mention your own and real hobbies. If you do not have any hobby mention a hobby on which you can expect the least question or you can learn about it. 

What are your hobbies let me know in the comments!

4) What are your Strengths do you have any weaknesses? 

        This is a personal question like hobbies so the answer can vary from person to person. You can mention any of the strengths and weaknesses below list. It is recommended to mention at least 1 weakness. 


  • Leadership
  • Positive attitude
  • Creativity
  • Learning
  • Empathy


  • Too detail-oriented
  • Impatience
  • Insecure
  • Self-criticism

        Do not mention any serious weakness, it can cost you your job. 3:2 is a good ratio of strength to weakness that is 3 strengths and 2 weakness 

5) Where do you see yourself in the next 2 years?

        In your chair. This is the worst answer to this question. The interviewer will be happy not to hire you. 

        Tell him you'll work hard and give your best for Accenture. You'll keep improving yourself day by day and will be in a better position from the current role. You can mention a post but keep in mind don't mention any higher post which cannot be achieved in 2 years. You can take the advice of any Accenture employee on this. 

6) Any Questions 

        This is a golden chance to express your interest in Accenture and the job role to the interviewer. Never ask about your interview results directly or indirectly. Avoid asking how did I perform? And similar questions. 

        You can ask below questions or any questions which do not connect to your interview results

    • How is your journey with Accenture?
    • If I get selected which skills should I acquire?
    • What are the difficulties you faced while working from home?
    • How Accenture is managing work from home?


        The introduction should be short and deliverable within 100 seconds. Prepare your resume well. If you are a non-cs-it student study at least 2 subjects from your branch. Always answer each question, in short, avoid explaining in deep. Read about at least any one of the latest technologies like ML, AI, IoT, CLOUD. Always Support your answer with a real-life example. Have enough knowledge of your project. Do not mention any serious weakness and Never Showoff! 

        I hope this article helped you with your Accenture Interview preparation. Feel free to share any of your responses to the above questions in the comment section. 

All the best!

Go get that Job :)

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